Ophtalmologic Centre ArtLife


Specialist contact lenses

We help our patients choose specialist contact lenses, including lenses for patients with high magnitude refractive error, astigmatism or keratoconus. Such lenses are then manufactured individually for each patient – on the basis of detailed parameters measured during examination.
We also offer Myopia Control, a process aimed at slowing the progression of myopia in children and young people by using special soft lenses or ortho-corrective lenses.

SwissLens is a Swiss manufacturer of contact lenses which offers high quality contact lenses in an unlimited range of parameters and materials. We also offer a so-called myopia control, which is a process that may help to slow down myopia progression in children and adolescents through the use of special soft lenses or ortho-K lenses. Stiff contact lenses can correct virtually any type of vision defect. They guarantee ideal vision acuity, because they do not change their shape while being worn. Moreover, they may prevent the defect in short-sighted children from progressing (so called ortho-correction). Stiff contact lenses are produced from modern materials which of high oxygen permeability, therefore they are the healthiest and the safest solution for our eyes. With the use of stiff contact lenses we can correct:

  • severe myopia up to -40 dioptres
  • severe astigmatism with cylinder up to –8.00 dioptres
  • Severe long-sightedness up to +40 dioptres
  • keratoconus
  • pellucid margin degeneration
  • all types of corneal irregularities
  • aphakia, e.g. in young children who have undergone surgical treatment of inborn glaucoma
  • progressing myopia in children and adolescents

Małgorzata Å»ukowska


Graduate of Clinical Optometry at Pennsylvania State College of Optometry, Salus University, and postgraduate studies in optometry at Karol Marcinkiewicz Medical University in Poznań. She has been working in this field since 2007. For over five years, she has been working in optometric offices which specialise in the evaluation of vision acuity and the selection of the most suitable glasses and contact lenses. She constantly improves her professional qualifications through participating in numerous courses and contact lenses workshops. In her private life she is a dog lover, she spends her leisure time travelling, doing yoga and cycling.



What is ortho-correction?

Ortho-correction, also called orthokeratology, is a reversible, nonsurgical method of correction of myopia which is an alternative to laser vision correction. It is based on wearing specialist contact lenses while sleeping and taking them off in the morning. During the night the lenses gently model the shape of the cornea in order to ensure acute vision during the day without wearing glasses or traditional contact lenses. What is more, as numerous studies have proven, it is a safe and effective way to inhibit the progression of myopia in children and young people.

Who can take advantage of this method?

  • Most people with small or moderate myopia (without or without slight astigmatism), who are looking for a safe and totally reversible method to ensure acute vision without glasses or traditional contact lenses.
  • People who cannot undergo a Laser Vision Correction surgery.
  • Children and young people with progressing myopia.
  • People who experience discomfort while wearing traditional contact lenses.
  • Members of uniformed services, which are required to have acute vision
    (policemen, fire-fighters, Special Forces, prison officers, pilots, etc.). 

Orthokeratology – pros

  • Nonsurgical and reversible
  • Available for most patients
  • Corrects your vision without the need to wear glasses/contact lenses
  • Inhibits the progression of myopia in children and young people

Orthokeratology – cons

  • Patient is required to show up for couple of follow-up examinations
  • The need to use lenses to maintain the effect of the correction
  • Higher initial cost comparing to traditional contact lenses or glasses
  • Corrects only myopia and slight astigmatism

How does the process of choosing the right lenses for ortho-correction look like?

Because ortho-correction is a process, it requires a few follow-up visits.

1st visit – qualifying examination (ca. 40 minutes)

  • taking your medical history
  • performing necessary examinations: visual acuity, examination of the anterior segment of the, intraocular pressure, thickness of the cornea

After a positive qualification, individually manufactured lenses will be ordered. The manufacturing and shipping takes about 2 weeks.

2nd visit – (ca. 90 minutes)

  • assessment of fitting of the lenses
  • educating the patient on how to use the lenses
  • information on how to take care of the lenses

3rd visit – in the morning after the 2nd visit (ca. 40 minutes)

  • assessment of the correcting effect of the lens (analysis of the shape of the cornea and the regression of the error)
  • assessment of the influence of the lens on the physiology of the eye

4th visit – after one week, in the morning (ca. 40 minutes)

  • assessment of the effects of wearing the lens
  • assessment of the general state of the eyes

5th visit – after one month (ca. 40 minutes)

  • assessment of the effects of wearing the lens
  • assessment of the general state of the eyes

Follow-up visits – every 6 month (3 months for children)
Renewal of the lens – after one year