News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

Exercises for better condition of the eyes


Frequent usage of computers, books or documents makes us want to move our bodies, to liven up stiff muscles. The eyes, as well as the other muscles in our body, are also becoming ‘lazy’ due to those works. In such cases non-mechanical myopia, eye muscles laziness or problems with accommodation may occur.

It’s time to warm our eyes up in order to improve visual acuity. All of those exercises should be practiced in sitting, ergonomic position without any head movements. To achieve best result, the exercises should be done without glasses or contact lenses for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Each exercise should be done slowly and between them you should close your eyes by strong clenching of the eyelids and slow release of the pressure. This will allow your eyes to rest.

Let’s begin:

  • Look to the right and then to the left,
  • Look up and down,
  • To the top right hand corner of the visual field, then to the top left hand corner,
  • To the bottom left hand corner, to the bottom right hand corner,
  • Look around your field of vision (make circles),
  • Look at the top of your nose,
  • Try to look at your forehead,
  • To liven up the muscles look at a distant object then to a close object, repeat,
  • Cover one eye and with the uncovered eye try to look at your right ear, then your left ear,
  • Repeat analogically with the second eye.

After normal physical exercises we always try to loosen our muscles to eliminate muscle sores. Eye exercises should also be followed by such effort. You should gently cover you eyes with your hands. Your neck and back should be lined up and no light should come through your fingers. Breath deeply for 1 to 3 minutes. Close your eyes, take your hands away and gently open your eyes.

The suggested exercises should also improve your vision. In some cases the results are very quick, while in other they require patience. The effects are dependant on personal predispositions.

We would like to wish you pleasant vision-improving exercises.
