News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

Is prophylaxis of eyesight simple?


czy profilaktyka wzroku jest prostaResearch proves that in recent years diseases of visual apparatus have advanced to a rank of a disease of civilisation. Problems which used to affect only the elderly are now becoming widespread in the younger population. Extensive work in front of a computer, artificial lighting and inappropriate diet are deteriorating our eyesight in previously unseen rate. We try to stay fit, take care of our skin and hair but we tend to forget to pay attention to our eyes. Until the eyes start to hurt or cause discomfort, prophylaxis of eye diseases is often neglected. We get one pair of the eyes for the entire lifetime – this why it is very important to take care of them before it is too late. Lack of proper preventive actions may lead to complication which can prove to be hard to correct, even with use of surgical means. 

How to maintain healthy and radiant eyes?

First of all, our preventive actions should start early and be systematic. The most crucial part of prophylaxis are routine exams of the eyes as they allow for early detection of any abnormalities and application of proper means. This is why routine checkups are recommended also for those who have not experienced any eye-connected problems so far.

Secondly, diet also plays an important role – to minimise the risk of diseases of the eye you should aim at products rich in vitamin A, group B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and antocyanins. You should also always remember to take a moment to relax. Hours spent in front of a screen (computer, tablet, TV) are connected with a strenuous effort for our eyes. This is why you should take frequent brakes while working on a computer. Proper eye-relaxing exercises may also prove helpful – they help the eyes to relax and prevent onset of permanent changes in the optical system of the eye. Those working in front of a computer should also pay special attention to their workplace – they should maintain appropriate distance from the monitor, make sure that there are no reflexes and that it is well lit.

Prophylaxis also consists of proper moisturising of the conjunctiva and cornea. If you feel dryness or irritation in the eyes it is advisable to rinse them from time to time and apply some artificial tears from time to time. Artificial tears are over-the-counter eye drops available in virtually every drugstore. In such cases, letting some fresh air into the room on a regular basis as well as use of air moisturisers can be helpful. While outside, when the sunlight is intense – irrespective of the season – we should wear sunglasses.

Prevention of eyesight diseases consists of few simple and worth applying rules – they help to minimise the risk and let us appreciate healthy eyesight. Maintaining healthy lifestyle is crucial but it may not be enough to prevent us from refractive errors – in such case considering a vision correction is a wise option. If we do not want to wear glasses – there are many other options available, such as laser vision correction.
