News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

Laser vision correction — does the cost of the procedure depend on the severity of the refractive error?


Laser vision correction – does the cost of the procedure depend on the severity of the refractive error?When candidates for laser vision correction make an appointment for the preliminary qualifying examination, they ask us about the approximate cost of the surgery. Does it increase in the case of astigmatism? And what if the vision defect is rather mild – is the procedure cheaper then? We are trying to answer the above qu-estions in this article.

What is the cost of laser vision correction?

The cost of the procedure is determined mostly by the correction method the patient is qualified for. The met-hod is selected individually, on the basis of measurements taken during the preliminary qualifying examination. Regardless of whether the refractive error is milder or more severe and whether the patient has astigmatism or not, the cost of a unilateral (performed on one eye) procedure with the use of a particular correction method remains unchanged.

What is understood by a correction method is the way in which the cornea is prepared for the work of the laser. Our clinic offers three correction methods: SBK LASIK, TransPRK (StreamLight) and LASEK. There are various individual medical indications for each method. Thanks to this diversity more patients have a chance for the positive qualification result.

Does the choice of the correction method depend on how severe the refractive error is?

The value and type of the refractive error is an important issue that has to be considered while selecting the most suitable correction method, but it is not a decisive factor. The choice of the method is largely determined by the parameters of the cornea which need to meet the required criteria, such as appropriate thickness, shape and curvature.

Additionally, what also affects the choice of the method is the patient’s general health condition, age, lifestyle and profession.

What factors affect the cost of a given method?

Whether a particular method costs more or less depends on what tools an ophthalmic surgeon has to use du-ring the procedure. Therefore, a more expensive method does not necessarily have to be better than others. It probably requires the use of other materials or specialised disposable tools.

Some clinics give the methods they offer their own marketing names. This definitely results in an increase in the price of the surgery. Personalisation and a medical warranty provided by the clinic are among other factors leading to a cost rise.

In the ArtLife Ophthalmologic Centre, the cost of the laser vision correction procedure also includes the first follow-up appointment scheduled a day or a week after the surgery, protective sunglasses, eye shields to wear during the first 7 nights after the procedure and a set of medications in the form of eye drops to use for the first month.

All our current prices, including the prices of particular laser vision correction methods and the preliminary qua-lifying examination, are available on our website under the PRICELIST tab. To check which correction method is most suitable for you, make an appointment for an examination qualifying for the laser vision correction procedure. You can do it by submitting a filled in online preliminary qualification form, calling our Centre or sending us an email: .
