News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

Laser vision correction – questions frequently asked before the procedure


Laser vision correction – questions frequently asked before the procedurePeople considering laser vision correction often ask questions regarding the entire procedure. In order to properly plan your time off work or vacation, you should take into account postoperative guidelines that should be followed during the recovery period. Most of them are valid for the first months after the surgery – this is the time needed for the cornea to heal.

Below we answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

“When will I be able to drive a car after the surgery?”

It is absolutely forbidden to drive any vehicles at least until the first follow-up appointment. It is scheduled the next day (SBK LASIK) or a week (LASEK, TransPRK) after the procedure. This time may be extended depending on the course of the convalescence period for a given patient.

Immediately after the laser vision correction procedure, the patient’s vision is corrected well enough for the corrective glasses to be no longer needed, but due to the healing of the cornea vision fluctuations may occur. Driving a car in this condition is dangerous.

“When can I resume my facial and eye care routine?”

For the first two weeks it is not allowed to apply eye makeup or use eye care products. As for the hygiene - the face should be washed without the use of any irritating cleaning agents and both the face itself and the surrounding areas should be dried by patting instead of rubbing.

“What if a dentist appointment is scheduled after the procedure?”

After laser vision correction, patients should avoid agents such as dust. During a dentist appointment, it is necessary to wear protective glasses. Invasive dental treatments (e.g. root canal treatment or implant insertion) should not be scheduled for at least 30 days following the laser vision correction surgery.

“Will I get a sick leave after the procedure?”

An operating ophthalmic surgeon issues a sick leave if required. Depending on the type of work the patient does, it may be issued at one time for a period of maximum 30 days. In order to extend the leave, you need to attend a follow-up appointment to assess how the recovery period is progressing and if further days off work are still necessary.

“If I have a mildly sore throat and I do not take any medications, can I undergo the laser vision correction procedure?”

No, you can’t. An active infection of any kind is a temporary contraindication to the laser vision correction surgery. On the day of the procedure, the body should be free from inflammations and diseases. Even if you have only early symptoms of a cold or flu, you should not undergo the surgery earlier than 2-3 weeks after they completely wear off. If antibiotic treatment is applied, we count this time from the day when the treatment was terminated.

“How long should I not leave home after laser vision correction?”

After the laser vision correction procedure, the patient can return to their everyday tasks almost immediately, but codziennych obowiązków niemalże od razu, but with caution. They should follow postoperative recommendations, for instance avoid extensive physical effort, lifting weights or going out without protective glasses/sunglasses.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort in the form of stinging, dryness or tearing. This condition normally lasts from a few hours to 2-3 days (depending on the method applied) and may slightly affect the daily routine.
