Laser vision correction surgery SBK Lasik method - first-hand experience |
21.03.2014 |
It is widely known that curiosity knows no boundaries. Our Ms Kasia (the lady who, with a pleasant voice explains the whole procedure to the patients, answers all, even weirdest, questions and registers the patients for surgeries and examinations in ArtLife) wanted to have a first-hand experience of how does the surgery look like. She wanted to know how does the patient feel during the procedure and how does the work of the doctor and nurses look like.
I (the person who writes those news) was watching Kasia’s behaviour closely. From the very beginning of the day emotions that Kasia was spreading around were intense, her fear and nervousness (in that case we can tell what kind of stress is the patient under)…
The surgery chosen by Kasia was the last on that day, about 6 pm. About 4pm Kasia started to have goose bumps and thoughts like “I won’t go, I will resign”. But curiosity overcame fear. Thanks to her commitment by calling ArtLife Ophthalmic Centre you can get most precise info on how does the procedure look like.
In the beginning protective clothing was handed to Kasia by the nurse (gown, a protective cap and shoes protectors. However, she wasn’t given tranquilizer, which made her rather disappointed.
First observations made were about preparing patient for the procedure. Patient is given protective clothing (disposable gown, protective cap and shoes protectors) and then the drugs are being served: tranquilizing syrup, painkiller and analgesic drops are applied. In a pleasant atmosphere the patient relaxes. When the applied medications have started to work, the patient leaves the preparation room and enters surgery room (with Kasia).
In the surgery room the patient lays on a bed under the laser machine. This is when the nurse disinfects region of his eyes and applies another portions of analgesic drops. The eyelid speculum, which prevents blinking, is installed. During all of those preparations the eye is moisturised with a special liquid. After that, ring of the microkeratome is being put on the surface of the eye and a flap of the cornea is automatically created. Then the flap is being precisely fold with a special spatula. That prepares the eye for the work of the laser. This procedure takes about few seconds.
The patient is asked to look at the green light of the laser. After the doctor has inputted all of the calculations according the patient’s refractive error, the thickness of the cornea etc. the work of the laser begins. Beam of a cold light precisely removes a layer of corneal cells to model it into proper shape. To Kasia’s surprise the patient lies still, and the crew around him play a crucial role – everyone is responsible for their parts. After laser finishes his work, which lasts for about few seconds (it depends on the size of vision defect), the flap is gently and precisely put back in place and the healing process begins. Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops are applied and the eyelid speculum is removed.
Patient goes back to the preparation room where he rests accompanied by relaxing music.
While the patient rests, Kasia asks doctor questions about the multiple tools, she had never imagined that so many of them as well as other medical supplies are being used during the laser vision correction. The precision with which the surgery is performed is indescribable. Our team works as one organism.
Big respect for the patient the RECORD-HOLDER OF THE MONTH, as the doctor called him due to his huge sight defect, which was reduced to zero.
After approximately 30 minutes the doctor checks position of the flap with a slit lamp. After this control, the patient is given a document with all the details about the performed operation. He is also given doctor’s and nurse’s recommendations and then goes home.
Record-holder’s opinion on our website:
Reassuming, from Kasia’s observations we can tell that patient’s stress is understandable yet manageable. We are sure to provide precise and well-integrated team and safety during the whole procedure. Laser vision correction is completely painless and quick surgery. Patient stays in the operation room for about 15 minutes (when both eyes are being corrected). Patient should trust specialists and cooperate with the team in order to be able to cherish the comfort of correct vision and better life quality.