News. Laser Vision correction. ArtLife Ophtalmologic Centre

“Being a firefighter runs in my blood.” Learn a patient’s story.


“Being a firefighter runs in my blood.” Learn a patient’s story.I have dreamt of becoming a firefighter since I was a child. My father was a firefighter, so a career in the uniformed services ran in my blood. Having graduated from a technical college I decided to apply for a place in a local state fire service school. I passed both fitness and knowledge tests without any difficulties. The most important part of the recruitment process was completed and the title of a firefighter technician and a job in the state fire service became a really close perspective. It was exactly at that stage, however, that I had to face a really unpleasant surprise. During the medical examination it turned out that I had a refractive error which did not fall within the acceptable range. I obviously knew I was short-sighted, but I was certain that my refractive error was rather mild and had been stable for the last few years, remaining within the acceptable range. I had no idea that it might recently have aggravated. What a disappointment! Was one more dioptre about to thwart my long-term dreams of pursuing a career in the fire service? As a professional firefighter, my father immediately went into action and put out my concerns. When he informed me about the possibility of having a laser vision correction surgery, I did not hesitate at all before I took the decision and called the clinic to make an appointment for a qualifying examination. When I got the green light from the doctor, it was a load off my mind. I had no other plans for my life and I would not know what to do if it had turned out I could not have my refractive error corrected with a laser. Laser vision correction came out to be a very quick, painless and safe procedure. It opened the door to the fire service school for me and consequently enabled me to get a job in the uniformed services. I was finally able to fulfil my dreams!

A firefighting profession is one of those in which a good eyesight is a must. A refractive error which does not fall within the acceptable range disqualifies the candidate at the very beginning even if they seem to be cut out for this job. Luckily, there is still hope! The above story shows one of many similar turning points in life, from dreams, through difficulties and disappointment, to laser vision correction and new hope. An ever increasing number of candidates who apply for a position in the state fire service and other uniformed services decide to undergo a laser vision correction surgery. 

If you find yourself in a similar situation, and the only thing which prevents you from pursuing a career in the fire service or other services is your refractive error, you should consider having a laser vision correction procedure. The qualifying examination and the surgery may be conducted on the same day, in a so-called one-day-procedure mode. If you have any questions, contact us on the phone or online. Ask our doctor a question or fill in an online preliminary qualification form, and make an appointment for a preliminary qualifying examination. Remember, your dreams may come true!

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