Minor surgical procedures offered by the ArtLife Ophtalmic Centre |
14.10.2021 |
Our clinic offers a wide range of minor surgical procedures treating both skin lesions around the eyes and lesions on the surface of the eyeball. As it happens in case of blepharoplasty these surgeries are performed by dr Izabela Jonas-Sabiniewicz – an ophthalmic surgeon with exceptionally extensive experience and abilities in the field of ophthalmic and plastic surgery.
Cyst – the action of bacteria as well as clogged tear ducts contribute to its formation. It has the shape of a small nodule filled with fluid. During the procedure, the lesion is incised and then enucleated (removed).
Papillomas – can be divided into two groups:
Chalazion – a thickening on an eyelid caused by inflammation of the sebaceous gland resulting from obstruction of the gland outlet and retention of secretions. It may initially resemble a stye. In order to prevent a bacterial infection antibiotics in the form of ointment and eye drops are administered. If a pharmacological treatment does not bring positive results, a chalazion should be removed surgically.
Pterygium – excessive growth of the conjunctiva, shaped like a triangle. It may cause eye irritation and redness. Eye drops and ointments are used in order to reduce inflammation. If the treatment does not help, and the pterygium additionally affects visual acuity, it is recommended to remove it surgically.
Xanthelasma – soft, flat nodules of various shapes and sizes. They are usually located under the skin of the upper eyelids, less frequently the lower eyelids. Their presence is caused by metabolic disorders or cholesterol deposition in the skin. The surgical procedure consists in excision of the lesion.
Pinguecula – a yellowish spot (bubble), located on the conjunctiva, most often on the inner part of the eye, close to the nose. Its formation is triggered by chronic eye irritation or exposure to sunlight. If it causes discomfort or significantly disturbs the aesthetics of the eye, it is recommended to have it removed it by an ophthalmic surgeon.
It is necessary to assess the possibility of performing the procedure and to determine its scope during a qualifying examination. Every procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. The procedures are short, painless and do not require any special preparation on the part of the patient.
If you have noticed a disturbing lesion on your eyelid or on the surface of the eye, make an appointment for an examination qualifying for a minor eye surgical procedure during which a doctor will determine the possibility of pharmacological or surgical treatment.
You can do it either by using an online form under the CONTACT tab (https://www.artlife.com.pl/en/contact.php) or by calling our Centre. An up-to-date pricelist of all the offered procedures is always available on our website.